Dumpster Service Pricing for Pitt County

  • Our flat rates include delivery, pickup, and your service period.
  • Charges include anything up to 2 tons for the Small Dumpster (10-yard)
    or 2.5 tons for the Large Dumpster (15-yard).
  • $10 per day for any days over the allotted 10-day service
  • No appliances, no tires, no hazardous materials

Pricing Based on County

7 Day Service

Small – 10 Yard Dumpsters
Equivalent to 4-5 truckloads
Pitt $300
Large – 15 Yard Dumpsters
Equivalent to 7.5 truckloads
Pitt $350

Let’s talk trash.

Dumpster It Now makes your project easier. We do all the heavy lifting. Order as many roll-off dumpsters as you need to keep your project area clean. Perfect for home remodels, garage cleanouts, Spring cleaning, yard debris/landscaping, and junk removal.

Our flat rates include delivery, pickup, applicable taxes and your rental period

Easy delivery and pickup

Convenient scheduling

Quality customer service